Occasionally we have folks who have some difficulty logging into the site. This page will try to help you solve it yourself.
If you cannot get on after trying a few of these solutions, contact us by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please include your Web Browser brand (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Etc) and version and your operating system and version (Windows XP, Windows 7, MacOS) or your tablet/phone brand (Ipad, etc).
The most common new user problem is with site activation. If you register you should receive an email that will contain a clickable link that is used to activate the account. We have had folks who cannot find the link, but it is there. If you get one, and cannot find the link, forward that email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.and we will get it going.
Second, and this seems to be a BIG one, is your browser loading a cached page. If you register, and when logging in, it goes to a BLANK PAGE, or you just get an error message, CLICK HERE, which will open a new window, then try to log in again using the log in button to the right on that page. You may need to clear your browser Cache which is beyond this page.
If you forgot your user name, CLICK HERE. If you forgot your password CLICK HERE. Follow the instructions. If you try to re-register and it says your email is taken, then you already have an account so follow the forgot user name, then follow the new password link.
All in all, we want you to have a smooth experience on the site. Sometimes the internet breaks. Sometimes the Site burps. Sometimes I screw something up trying to fix something else! No matter what, we will get you up and running. If all else fails, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will try to respond quickly. Remember, the site is run by volunteers with day jobs so it may take a bit for us to get back to you. We don't outsource our site support, so you will always get our staff responding!
Thanks for your support!