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Dave Sigle (Enduronut) has collected a whole bunker full of Yamaha information, parts and bikes. He has researched a lot of the background information you need when restoring or just trying to find out what parts of the frankenbike you bought belong together.

He has checked and cross-checked the Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN) and there are still a few unknowns. If you have any information which might help us flush out the missing numbers, please contact us or Dave directly. If you just find the numbers you  need, then give him a smile and a big thumbs up! 


Note from Enduronut: These V.I.N. production numbers are Yamaha's published figures, but have proven over time to have errors.  If a ending production number has a plus sign (+) behind it, then it has been verified & updated, to reflect actual serial numbers that people have informed me about.



VIN tagYou can access the information either from the menu links above, or from the links here as follows:


{module VIN Tables}



If you are having additional problems identifying your bike you might find help with Yamaha Model Codes which lists all product codes used by Yamaha.

